New Beginnings - Part 3
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Dyer turned to follow Eitrigg into Grommash Hold, the heart of command for the Horde.

“So, when did you become the devout Garrosh follower,” said Dyer as they walked past the guard post where two Orc crossbowmen always stood at the ready.

“The day Thrall put him in charge,” replied Eitrigg. “Truth be known, Daelin, I’m too old for internal politics and fighting. The Orcs have seen more than its fair share of battle in those arenas. I had plenty of fires to put out while Thrall was in charge. I’m old and want to die knowing that I don’t have to worry about it coming from an Orc assassin. Besides, do you really think most Orcs would follow anyone else into battle other than another Orc? The shamans would, but that would be about it. And we Orcs cannot survive another splintering. Now hush this talk. There will be time and place for it later.”

Dyer smiled slightly as they entered into the main chamber of Grommash Hold. On the opposite side of the entrance sat Garrosh Hellscream on his throne of stone and bone. He was talking with with his closest advisor, an Orc named General Nazgrim. Along the sides were several other dignitaries including Ambassador Dawnsinger from Silvermoon City and Gotura Fourwinds, the Tauren shaman representative from The Earthen Ring.

“Daelin Bowstrider,” shouted Garrosh looking up from his throne. “It’s about time you got here. Come over quickly. There is much to discuss.”

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