New Beginnings - Part 4
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He turned to his left and made his way down another small ramp even further down into the cavern. He passed a few tents where a couple of Orc warlocks practiced their art before finally arriving before a very large opening in the side of the wall; the entrance to Ragefire Chasm.

The chasm itself was another small series of caves and caverns near an active lava tube. The heat emitting from the entrance was enormous and most commoners would not tolerate even being this close. The Horde had used it as a training ground for almost a decade. It was a rite of passage that even Dyer himself had once gone through.

Next to the entrance he found Faultye, Selycena, Kiade, Revenn and Linarina already present and ready to go. He also noticed a few other members from his team had decided to show up. The first was a Tauren warrior named Japarc Stormridge. Next was a troll warrior wielding two very large swords named Scub’jin. In the shadows he could make out In’doh the Troll rogue. Next in line was another Blood Elf priest named Silvare Cloudrider who liked to just be called Silver. And finally a Tauren druid who had been around more recently named Shemtare Totemhoof.

“Thanks for all coming,” said Dyer before the group. “As you have heard, this mission is a direct order from Garrosh himself. Still, I can’t imagine this will be difficult or take a lot of time. Nothing will be held against anyone if they have something better to do.”

“I’d jus be killin mo human alliance, mon,” said Scub’jin stepping forward. “Der always be plenty of dem.”

“There really hasn’t been a lot to do otherwise,” said Silver. “Beats sitting around doing nothing.”

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