New Beginnings - Part 1
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The Forsaken were not the only group of undead beings to free themselves from the yoke of The Lich King. The Humans has originally created a group dedicated to fighting the undead called paladins. As wielders of pure light energy, the paladins were unrivaled in their battles against the undead Scourge. To counter the strength of the paladins, the Lich King created his own army of super soldiers. From the bodies of fallen heros he created the death knights, undead beings of pure hated that their dark energies could fall all but the strongest paladins.

In the end, the Lich King had sacrificed the death knights as pawns in an attempt to draw out the remaining paladins in a final attempt to destroy them. The paladins’ victory over the Lich King left the remaining death knights free to choose their own fate and most returned to their former homes and lives. They became known as The Knights of the Ebon Blade and with their help the Lich King was finally vanquished.

Two death knights were in Dyer’s inner circle. The first was a female Blood Elf named Linarina Morningray. Before her death and rebirth as a death knight she had been a blood knight of Quel’Thalas, a wielder of light magic equal in strength to most human paladins. Her steadfast resolve could still be seen in her face even though her pale white skin, glowing blue eyes and long black hair made her almost clownish in appearance.

The other death knight was a Tauren named Revenn Plainswalker. The Tauren were one of the more unique looking races on the planet. For the most part they were bovine in appearance resembling large upright walking cows and bulls. They were mostly peaceful and worshiped nature and the hunt. Because of their fearsome appearance most Humans thought they were monsters and had thus allied themselves with the Darkspear Trolls and their allies which included the Blood Elves.

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