New Beginnings - Part 2
  page 5  

Making his way outside the city, Dyer was glad to finally be out from under the green haze. Dark clouds still blocked out most of the sun as he made his way over to the zeppelin towers. The Forsaken guards grunted in acknowledgement of his approach and parted to let him enter the tower unhindered. Once inside he began climbing the long flight of wood stairs up to the docking platform where he waited patiently for the Zeppelin to arrive.

“How you do’in?” asked Zapetta the Goblin dock master.

“I’m here, aren’t I?” said Dyer. “How we looking on the next zeppelin?”

“I just checked on it’s position a few minutes ago. The Thundercaller was just crossing the shore line and should be here in a minute.”

“Splendid,” mutter Dyer. He knew that the keep Garrosh waiting meant giving him more time to sharpen his axe for a beheading but he had hoped that Halduron had held him up long enough so he would have a valid excuse for being later than he was going to be. He knew Garrosh expected everyone to just drop whatever they were doing and come running when he beckoned. Dyer was not that kind of Elf.

Within seconds he hear the sound of the zeppelin’s motor in the distance. He turned to the west to see the familiar silhouette slowly approach the tower and come to a halt right at the docking platform.

“The zeppelin to Orgrimmar has just arrived,” yelled Zapetta. “All aboard for Durotar!”

Dyer took a deep breath and prepared to step across the platform onto the zeppelin.

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