New Beginnings - Part 2
  page 7  

Dyer laughed to himself as he braced himself for launch. Sky Captain Cloudkicker had been screwing up her name for years. He was convinced he did it on purpose as a way of showing his superiority. Goblins were always trying to get the upper hand even when they already had it. It was also possible he was completely senile. There never was a good way to tell with Goblins.

“There goes the zeppelin to Orgrimmar,” he heard Zapetta yell in the distance. “I hope there’s no explosions this time.”

Dyer cringed as the zeppelin spun around over Lordaeron and back towards the ocean. He watched the dark farmlands of Tirisfal Glade pass beneath him swiftly. He was glad to breath in the ocean air once they crossed the shoreline. It wasn’t a pure as the air around Silvermoon City, but it beat the staleness of Lordaeron anyday.

The ride was long and took several hours. To his surprise and relief The Thundercaller had no mechanical problems on its journey. Unfortunately Dyer had been the only one to board at Lordaeron and Coppernut was clearly looking for fresh meat. Since the only other crew besides the goblin engineers were two Forsaken guards, Dyer found himself constantly fighting off her advances every time she had a spare moment which was constantly.


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